
Adilah Ahmad

Adilah Ahmad

Science writer
Adilah is an avid science lover, feline fanatic, and photography enthusiast. She has a degree in Human Anatomy…
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Alan Duffy

Alan Duffy

Special guest writer
Associate Professor Duffy is an astronomer at Swinburne University creating baby universes on the nation’s most powerful supercomputers…
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Alex Dook

Alex Dook

Freelance writer
Raised by a physics teacher and a university professor, Alex had no choice but to be a science…
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Anastasia Beasley

Anastasia Beasley

Freelance Writer
Anastasia is a scientist and artist who cultivates curiosity through workshops in science, art, sustainability and technology in…
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Cahli Samata

Cahli Samata

Digital Content Creator
Cahli keeps her finger on the pulse of research and innovation changing our world and is on a…
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Camila Pardo Uribe

Camila Pardo Uribe

Freelance Writer
Camila is a science communicator from Colombia with a background in literature and biology. When she's not talking…
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Cat Williams

Cat Williams

Freelance Writer
Cat is a science communicator with a background in zoology and conservation biology. Most of her work has…
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​Cristy Burne

​Cristy Burne

Science writer
​Perth-based Cristy loves to inspire creativity, daring and resilience in her readers. She has worked as a science…
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Damien Boccamazzo

Damien Boccamazzo

Technology and Innovation Writer
With a curiosity for emerging technology and new ways of business, Damien is an enthusiast for science, innovation…
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David Satterthwaite

David Satterthwaite

Freelance writer
David manages his own communications and marketing company, with a focus on the innovation sector. He has worked…
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Dr Ben Skuse

Dr Ben Skuse

Freelance science writer
Ben is a professional freelance writer and editor of all things science. For the likes of Sky &…
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Dr Jae

Dr Jae

Scitech contributor
It may sound like the name of a rapper but alas, instead of rapping rhymes Jae spends her…
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Dr Kate Raynes-Goldie

Dr Kate Raynes-Goldie

Award-winning designer & keynote speaker
In an age when disruption is the new normal, curiosity is the becomes the key 21st century skill.…
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Dr Laura Glitsos

Dr Laura Glitsos

Academic, Researcher, and Freelance Writer
Dr Laura Glitsos is a postdoctoral research fellow at Curtin University and has been reporting on science, health…
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Dr Laura Masters

Dr Laura Masters

Laura is research microbiologist with an interest in viruses, particularly those that are important in pregnancy and early…
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Emily Evans

Emily Evans

Freelance Writer
Emily has worked in the media and communications industry in Western Australia as both a TV journalist and…
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Karl Gruber

Karl Gruber

Freelance Science Writer
Karl is an Evolutionary Biologist and a science communicator, passionate about the beauty behind science.
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Kassandra Zaza

Kassandra Zaza

Freelance Writer
Kassandra bravely chose to do a Master of Arts in Creative Writing and is miraculously putting it to…
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Kate Holmes

Kate Holmes

Particle Content Creator
Kate is a former West Aussie farm kid, linguist, speech pathologist and Scitechian jack of all trades. She…
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Kerri Duncan

Kerri Duncan

Freelance Writer
Kerri is an Adelaide-based freelance writer with a background in animal science and molecular biology. Always up for…
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Kim Cousins

Kim Cousins

Freelance Journalist
​Kim Cousins is a freelance journalist who would have become a scientist if she was better at maths.…
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Kim Phoon

Kim Phoon

Freelance writer
Kim studied chemical engineering and chemistry, but found she was actually really passionate was sharing "fun facts". So…
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Kirsten Flint

Kirsten Flint

STEM Content Creator & Evaluator
Kirsten takes great pride in being a Science Nerd. She is not biased in her nerdiness – she…
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Kyle Brown

Kyle Brown

Digital Content Creator
Kyle wanted to be an astronaut ever since he watched Red Dwarf and Star Trek as a kid.…
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Kyle Pauletto

Kyle Pauletto

Freelance Journalist
Kyle Pauletto is a seasoned journalist and multimedia producer hailing from Perth, Western Australia. Kyle specialises in a…
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Leigh Coward

Leigh Coward

Multimedia producer
Leigh Coward is a passionate filmmaker and writer, as well as being Scitech's in-house Multimedia Producer. His love…
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Leon Smith

Leon Smith

Planetarium Co-ordinator
Leon runs the Scitech Planetarium. It's pretty sweet. Theoretical physics is his expertise, science communication is his passion.…
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​Lisa Morrison

​Lisa Morrison

Freelance reporter
Lisa is a freelance journalist based in Albany, WA. She has four years' experience as a news reporter…
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Lizzie Thelwell

Lizzie Thelwell

Freelance Writer
Lizzie is a journalist, copywriter and communications professional. She writes about a wide variety of topics but has…
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Megan Pusey

Megan Pusey

Freelance writer
Megan is a science educator and communicator. She is one-third of the podcast Press X to Science which…
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​Michelle Wheeler

​Michelle Wheeler

Freelance science journalist
Michelle is a former science and environment reporter for The West Australian. Her work has seen her visit…
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Nadene Claydon

Nadene Claydon

Scitech Contributor
Nadene is one of Scitech's program coordinators, with a passion for science communication and a big dream of…
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Owen Cumming

Owen Cumming

Science Communicator
Owen is a science communicator with a background in ecology and evolutionary biology. Owen enjoys surfing, hiking and…
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​Rocky McGellin

​Rocky McGellin

Freelance writer
Rocky is a freelance writer and a planetarium presenter at Scitech. He has a Masters in Science Communication…
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Rose Kerr

Rose Kerr

STEM Content Creator
Rose is constantly driven by a need to know why things are the way they are. She studied…
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Sally Q Davies

Sally Q Davies

Freelance writer
Sally has a background in writing for performance. When not at her desk, her hobbies include knitting, gardening,…
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Sam Birmingham

Sam Birmingham

Innovation expert
Sam Birmingham is the Coordinator of Startup WA, an organisation that promotes the growing tech startup sector in…
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Samille Mitchell

Samille Mitchell

Freelance journalist
Samille Mitchell is a long-time freelance journalist. She has authored four non-fiction books and penned countless environment, science,…
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Saskia Scott

Saskia Scott

Freelance writer
Saskia Scott is a writer and science communicator with a background in linguistics. She's had work published in…
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Scarlet Davis

Scarlet Davis

Lover of all thing's science and theatre, Scarlet combines her two passions across her freelance work. From science…
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Shyam Drury

Shyam Drury

Maths multiplier
Shyam has been obsessed his whole life with figuring out how things work. That led him to do…
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Steve Grant

Steve Grant

Professional Learning Consultant
Steve has been a teacher, scientist, teacher of teachers, tinkerer, builder and all round tech head. When he's…
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Tarryn Basden

Tarryn Basden

Science communicator
Tarryn Basden is a biologist and science communicator from Western Australia. While she has had the privilege of…
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Teresa Belcher

Teresa Belcher

Science communicator
Teresa is a science communicator with over 20 years’ experience communicating science and engineering research and projects in…
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Thomas Crow

Thomas Crow

Freelance science writer
Thomas Crow is an Australian science writer. He has a background in professional writing, biochemistry and genetics. He…
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Tom Gurn

Tom Gurn

Freelance Writer
Tom Gurn is a freelance writer from Kaurna Yerta (Adelaide), South Australia
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Tomasz Pedlow

Tomasz Pedlow

Freelance writer
Tomasz is an experienced science communicator and all around nerd who enjoys science writing. He studied marine science…
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