The hunt for (potentially) life-giving water beneath Mars

Ground-penetrating radar has already helped scientists discover liquid water under Mars’ surface. It might also be the key to discovering if life exists on our cosmic neighbour.
Dr Ben Skuse
Dr Ben Skuse
Freelance science writer
The hunt for (potentially) life-giving water beneath Mars

With NASA’s Curiosity rover hogging the limelight, snapping selfies and beautiful panoramic images of the Red Planet, it’s easy to forget the six active satellites orbiting Mars, quietly getting on with their job.

But one of these—the European Space Agency (ESA)’s Mars Express—hit the headlines recently when researchers discovered the most compelling evidence yet of liquid water on Mars.

This water wasn’t in a pond on the surface that researchers just happened to miss. It was lurking 1.5km under Mars’ south pole, forming a 20km long shallow lake.


Led by Adjunct Professor Roberto Orosei of the National Institute of Astrophysics in Bologna, Italy, the ESA team found the lake by painstakingly analysing measurements from a radar instrument called MARSIS on board the satellite.

Researchers discovered the most compelling evidence yet of liquid water on Mars

Researchers discovered the most compelling evidence yet of liquid water on Mars

MARSIS fires radio waves at the planet that penetrate the ground. These waves reflect back in different ways depending on whether they hit rock, ice or water.

“Echoes are much stronger—sometimes stronger than echoes from the top of the ice—when liquid water lies beneath the ice sheet,” Roberto reveals.

The lake is deep underground and must be very salty to stop it from freezing, given that carbon dioxide, which freezes at -125°C, freezes above it in winter. Nevertheless, some experts believe the discovery raises hope that life could persist there.

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The water found on Mars was lurking 1.5km under the planet’s south pole…

Image credit: ESA/DLR/FU Berlin
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…The icy cap that covers the south pole is composed of frozen water and carbon dioxide

Of course, if life doesn’t exist in similar environments on Earth, then hopes will be dashed. Yet only months before, a pair of similarly salty subsurface lakes were found beneath Devon Ice Cap in the Canadian Arctic. Again, the discovery was made using ground-penetrating radar.

If researchers dig down into these Arctic depths and discover a unique hidden microbial community—as they have in other subsurface lakes—the case for life existing in Mars’ lake will be a whole lot stronger, though a mission digging 1.5km down to prove it would be fraught with difficulty.


Back here on Earth, ground-penetrating radar is used in a host of industries. In civil engineering particularly, radar helps to survey our railways, roads, tunnels, bridges and complex underground utility networks.

On Earth, ground-penetrating radar is used in a host of industries

On Earth, ground-penetrating radar is used in a host of industries

And it is also valuable in mineral exploration too. Radar helps to plan mines that take advantage of Australia’s rich bauxite deposits—the world’s main source of aluminium. It’s also a useful tool in coal, zinc and nickel mining.

But according to Dr Jan Francke, founder of Groundradar and a researcher with nearly 30 years’ experience in the field, radar will soon be able to do a whole lot more.

He thinks new radar concepts being developed by Australian mining research organisation AMIRA International are only “12 to 18 months away”. These technologies would bring a 5m antenna down to just 10cm.

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New radar concepts are being developed in Australia

New radar concepts are being developed in Australia

“If you couple that concept with new low-cost transmitters and receivers or satellite imaging technology such as hyperspectral cameras, we could mount them on a swarm of low-flying drones for scanning large areas in full 3D.”

This would provide high-res underground details to hunt for minerals deep underground much more efficiently.

Could similar drone swarms be used to seek out more potentially life-harbouring underground lakes on Mars?

NASA is funding an exploratory study on using bee-like drones to survey the Red Planet. If those drones were mounted with tiny ground-penetrating radars, we might find underground lakes much closer to the surface—lakes we could burrow down to more easily in order to finally learn whether life exists beneath the ice of our cosmic neighbour.

Dr Ben Skuse
About the author
Dr Ben Skuse
Ben is a professional freelance writer and editor of all things science. For the likes of Sky & Telescope, BBC Sky at Night Magazine, Physics World and many more, he has covered stories on diversity in astrophysics, how to build universe-scale simulations and even efforts to preserve the cannonballs found with Henry VIII’s flagship, the Mary Rose.
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Ben is a professional freelance writer and editor of all things science. For the likes of Sky & Telescope, BBC Sky at Night Magazine, Physics World and many more, he has covered stories on diversity in astrophysics, how to build universe-scale simulations and even efforts to preserve the cannonballs found with Henry VIII’s flagship, the Mary Rose.
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