Astronomers shed new light on birth of stars and galaxies

A star is born – but how? Astronomers are unravelling the mysteries of how clouds of gas ignite to become stars and form spiral galaxies near our own.
Thomas Crow
Thomas Crow
Freelance science writer
Astronomers shed new light on birth of stars and galaxies

Our Sun forms the centre of our Solar System. It’s a giant nuclear reaction full of such dense matter that it warps spacetime around it, pulling everything nearby into its orbit.

But in our Milky Way galaxy, the Sun is only one of 100 billion stars. These stars are part of a constant life cycle. They’re born from gas clouds, live their long lives and eventually die, ejecting gas throughout the galaxy to form new generations of stars. Stellar nurseries are regions of a galaxy dense with this star-forming gas.

The Physics at High Angular resolution in Nearby GalaxieS (PHANGS) survey uses ground and space-based telescopes to reveal how stars are born and form nearby spiral galaxies.

Six ALMA-imaged galaxies out of a collection of 74; they show the spiral pattern of galaxies in a bright orange-red colour
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While the galaxies are all roughly spiral, there are some key differences.

Image credit: ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO); NRAO/AUI/NSF, B. Saxton
While the galaxies are all roughly spiral, there are some key differences.

Dr Brent Groves is an astrophysicist at the University of Western Australia and International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR). He’s an expert on these star-forming gases and was part of the international PHANGS team that are shedding new light on the structure of stellar nurseries and formation of galaxies.

The vision they have captured has been likened to a ‘galactic fireworks display’.

Video credit: ALMA PHANGS

A star’s spectre

“Newly formed stars blow away surrounding gas. This lights up the hydrogen emission lines of our telescopes, which allow us to work out which elements are present in those areas and where these gases are going,” says Brent.

This technique is called spectrometry. Spectrometry uses telescopes to drink in the light of the universe. Once collected, this light is split into its component parts, called the spectral bow. Different elements emit specific spectral lines, so by looking at what spectra are present from a light source, you can tell what elements are present in the source.

“So the spectrum we’re looking at splits up into this wonderful rainbow. That rainbow tells us the sort of elements from the stars in a given location and therefore the ages of the stars and where they might have come from.”


This image combines observations of the nearby galaxies NGC 1300, NGC 1087, NGC 3627 (top, from left to right), NGC 4254 and NGC 4303 (bottom, from left to right) taken with the Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) on ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT). Each individual image is a combination of observations conducted at different wavelengths of light to map stellar populations and warm gas. The golden glows mainly correspond to clouds of ionised hydrogen, oxygen and sulphur gas, marking the presence of newly born stars, while the bluish regions in the background reveal the distribution of slightly older stars.   The images were taken as part of the Physics at High Angular resolution in Nearby GalaxieS (PHANGS) project, which is making high-resolution observations of nearby galaxies with telescopes operating across the electromagnetic spectrum.
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Each galaxy houses billions of stars, most forged in its chaotic heart.

Image credit: ESO/PHANGS
Each galaxy houses billions of stars, most forged in its chaotic heart.

The light fantastic

The nearest galaxy in the survey is called NGC 5068. You can see it in the Virgo constellation when you look up at the night sky. It takes 18 million years for light to travel from there to here. To pick up such faint light signals, astronomers link the telescopes around the world and in space. These include the Atacama Large Millimeter Array, Hubble Space Telescope and Very Large Telescope and potentially the James Webb Space Telescope.

So what were the results? PHANGS reveals how generations of stars form, blowing away their stellar clouds in 2–3 million years (which actually isn’t a long time for a star). The massive dispersive force of these dying stars sends the gas right across the galaxy.

It shows us the universe is a more complex place than our models might assume. It is full of endless discovery, and we have only just scratched the surface.

Thomas Crow
About the author
Thomas Crow
Thomas Crow is an Australian science writer. He has a background in professional writing, biochemistry and genetics. He writes for Australian and New Zealand research institutes and publications like Crikey. He's a horror and gothic fantasy fan. He thinks of himself as a gardener but scores of dead plants beg to differ.
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Thomas Crow is an Australian science writer. He has a background in professional writing, biochemistry and genetics. He writes for Australian and New Zealand research institutes and publications like Crikey. He's a horror and gothic fantasy fan. He thinks of himself as a gardener but scores of dead plants beg to differ.
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