Is Hemp the key to a sustainable future?

Hemp is one of the most versatile and sustainable plants on the planet—and with Mirreco’s new harvesting machine, its many uses could go mainstream.
Dr Kate Raynes-Goldie
Dr Kate Raynes-Goldie
Award-winning designer & keynote speaker
Is Hemp the key to a sustainable future?
Image credit: Barbetorte/Wikimedia /CC BY-SA 3.0

Richard Evans is on a mission to save the world with hemp.

“Our generation has been tasked with one of the greatest challenges of the 21st century, namely reducing global carbon emissions,” he says.

“I feel my destiny is to contribute to solving this in a big way—on the global stage—and leave a positive impact that will help many, far and wide.”

In 2018, Richard founded WA-based company Mirreco, which is focused on mainstreaming the use of hemp to address a growing environmental crisis.

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Mirreco believe hemp can be a solution to make a wide range of products sustainable – including housing.

Image credit: Mirreco
Mirreco believe hemp can be a solution to make a wide range of products sustainable – including housing.

Innovative processing

Richard says hemp is “renewable, sustainable and clean” and can be used to “create foods, proteins, fibres and medicines”.

If that wasn’t enough, Richard also says the plant would be useful for decontaminating soil, storing carbon and could even be a contender to replace the oil industry.

The diverse potential of hemp is why Mirreco created its specialised machine—a world-first invention capable of processing hemp in a new way.

“I realised a few years ago that the bottleneck in the global hemp industry is processing,” says Richard.

“We’ve developed advanced, mobile processing technology that can transform the hemp plant into abundant resources.” 

The machine allows for processing at farms, with rapid conversion into numerous materials that can be used for many purposes.

It can produce building materials alongside products such as paper, plastic, furniture and cars.

When it’s not being used to process hemp, it can even be used to recycle plastic.

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Hemp can be turned into a wide range of products, including paper and bioplastics.

Image credit: Mirreco
Hemp can be turned into a wide range of products, including paper and bioplastics.

Does hemp get you high?

While hemp and marijuana are technically the same plant—cannabis—the key difference is their levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC).

Hemp has less than 0.3% THC, whereas marijuana contains between 5% and 20% THC.

Since 2017, it’s been legal to sell hemp as a food in Australia.

Much like how poppy seeds from the opium poppy wont get you high, neither will hemp.

This is a critical distinction when considering growing hemp at commercial scale in countries like Australia where marijuana is illegal.

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Mirreco are testing hemp housing panels as both a carbon trap and a more sustainable building solution.

Image credit: Mirreco
Mirreco are testing hemp housing panels as both a carbon trap and a more sustainable building solution.

A greener future

After a decade of work, Mirreco plans to commercialise its machine this year, but it’s not the only hemp-based project in its sights.

The company is developing the world’s first Lumecast prototype house, which uses hemp combined with a range of other sustainable technologies.

It’s also working to commercialise ‘structural hemp’, which can be used as alternative building materials to concrete and steel.

Mirreco also plans to launch an initiative for carbon storage called CAST (Carbon Asset Storage Technology).

Dr Kate Raynes-Goldie
About the author
Dr Kate Raynes-Goldie
In an age when disruption is the new normal, curiosity is the becomes the key 21st century skill. This is why Dr. Kate is an advocate for curiosity, through her work as a designer, speaker, writer and researcher. She’s written for variety of publications in Canada and Australia and is an innovation columnist for the Business News. She’s also a Certified Facilitator of LEGO® Serious Play®. As a globally recognised thought leader on innovation, Kate has been the recipient of numerous international awards and has spoken at conferences around the globe, including SXSW (Austin), NXNE (Toronto), REMIX Academy, Pecha Kucha, PAX AUS and TEDxPerth.
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In an age when disruption is the new normal, curiosity is the becomes the key 21st century skill. This is why Dr. Kate is an advocate for curiosity, through her work as a designer, speaker, writer and researcher. She’s written for variety of publications in Canada and Australia and is an innovation columnist for the Business News. She’s also a Certified Facilitator of LEGO® Serious Play®. As a globally recognised thought leader on innovation, Kate has been the recipient of numerous international awards and has spoken at conferences around the globe, including SXSW (Austin), NXNE (Toronto), REMIX Academy, Pecha Kucha, PAX AUS and TEDxPerth.
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