Planning vital for ethical bush tucker

Lemon myrtle, bush tomatoes, sandalwood and wattleseed. These are all native Australian plants, but have you used them in your cooking?
Teresa Belcher
Teresa Belcher
Science communicator
Planning vital for ethical bush tucker
Image credit: Michael Baldwin. Micromedia

‘Bush tucker’ has been used by Indigenous Australians for over 60,000 years.

But while bush tucker had fallen a little by the way side in recent years, it’s seen a rise in popularity in cooking and modern cuisine over the past few years.

These days, a lot of native produce can be found online and sometimes even in gourmet shops and local supermarkets.

Which has seen a problem arise – how do we make sure our love for bush tucker doesn’t destroy the bush ecosystem?

Supply can’t always match demand

Famous Danish chef René Redzepi opened a temporary restaurant in Sydney incorporating bush foods into the cuisine, which sold out every day in six months of operation.

Noongar Elder Dale Tilbrook says the chef used everything under the bush tucker umbrella including fish and shellfish, with a main focus on those locally available.

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Dale Tilbrook with bush tucker

Image credit: Lyall Tilbrook
Dale Tilbrook with bush tucker

“Although this raised the profile of bush foods dramatically, it also led to some shortages in their supply.”

She says it’s important to consider the implications for sustainability, fauna interactions and ecosystem balance.

“Just because the city folks find out and want it, doesn’t mean they can have it.”

“The wild harvest belongs to Aboriginal people and the animals,” Dale says.

She says traditionally, the Aboriginal people only took what they could eat that day.

And the native animals had special interactions with the native plants.

“Emus eat quandongs and spread seed across the land.”

“And woylies collected and ate sandalwood kernels and seeds, leaving them all over the territory, so we got new sandalwood stands.”

Woylies once covered two-thirds of the country but are now only found in two locations in southwest WA.

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Red centre lime is a native Australian lime

Image credit: Dale Tilbrook
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Warrigal greens are a native Australian vegetable

Image credit: Dale Tilbrook

And so a new industry is born

Dale says it is vital to manage the wild harvest but also encourage cultivation of the food to make this a sustainable industry.

Underpinning this is ethical engagement with Aboriginal people so they are involved in the supply chain.

“We have the knowledge and over 60,000 years looking after Country,” Dale says.

“Our stories contain information about the plants. We know which plants are good to eat and which have pharmaceutical benefits.”

Certain wattleseeds in flower are edible in the southwest of WA

Image credit: Dale Tilbrook
Certain wattleseeds in flower are edible in the southwest of WA
“Although this raised the profile of bush foods dramatically, it also led to some shortages in their supply.”

Dale herself became interested in bush tucker when she first opened Maalinup Gallery in the Swan Valley 17 years ago, which she still co-owns and manages with her brother Lyall.

“I put some jars of local wild harvest quandong jam on shelf—it looked a bit lonesome, so I thought, what else can I find?”

The gallery now sells the most comprehensive range of bush tucker herbs and spices in Perth.

There are organisations assisting Aboriginal communities to be involved in cultivating bush food such as Outback Pride in South Australia.

Native food plants, suited to local conditions, are also available in plant nurseries.

“I’d like to see in future some way of labelling bushfood—whether it is from wild harvest or cultivated, and whether the company is Indigenous owned or if there is engagement with Aboriginal people.”

“We want people to make informed choices and know that what they buy is an ethical product.”

More information about bush food can be found from the Bushfood Association of Western Australia Facebook page or Australian Native Food and Botanicals website.

Teresa Belcher
About the author
Teresa Belcher
Teresa is a science communicator with over 20 years’ experience communicating science and engineering research and projects in Australia and Europe. She's currently working in natural resource management in the rangelands of Western Australia, freelance writing and volunteering on a couple of committees. Teresa loves all things prehistoric (especially dinosaurs), nature and space/sci-fi. She enjoys travel and outdoors activities including rowing, kayaking, sailing, and fishing and also spending time DIY-ing in her garden and house.
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Teresa is a science communicator with over 20 years’ experience communicating science and engineering research and projects in Australia and Europe. She's currently working in natural resource management in the rangelands of Western Australia, freelance writing and volunteering on a couple of committees. Teresa loves all things prehistoric (especially dinosaurs), nature and space/sci-fi. She enjoys travel and outdoors activities including rowing, kayaking, sailing, and fishing and also spending time DIY-ing in her garden and house.
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